

The Vestry is a group of elected parishioners who administer the temporal affairs of All Saints.  They are the Board of Directors of the church, managing the operations and finances. 2019 Vestry members are Veronica Laven, Enrique Rojas, Aimee Harris Johnson, Thelma Williams, Walter Miller, and Melanie Thomas. Senior Warden is Russell Polhemus. Junior Warden is Enrique Rojas. Snookie Golding serves as Clerk.

Daughters of the King

The All Saints DOK has vowed to pray and give service to those in need and invite any woman in the congregation to join us. Their prayerful pursuits include outreach to our church members and community. They take as their responsibility the visitation of member shut-ins, managing a food pantry at the church, and they have adopted an adult residential center.

Men of All Saints

The Men of All Saints (MOAS): all men of the parish age 18 and up are invited to join us. This group offers the men of the church support on their spiritual paths, with emotional support, or just to help a buddy to help paint the church hall or grill a hundred hot dogs for the Christmas festival. 2018 Members of the group are: Enrique Rojas, Keith Barnes, Bob Rivenburg. Group meetings to be announced.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild volunteers prepare the altar for worship service each week, set up bread and wine for Eucharist services, and cleanup after each worship service. If a baptism occurs, the baptismal font is filled and cleaned. They also change the liturgical hangings on and around the altar, cloths hanging from the pulpit and lectern, as well as the ecclesiastical vestments and mitres for each church season.


Acolytes are members of the parish, usually middle and high school students, who volunteer their time and talent to serve during the worship services by carrying the processional crosses, banners and flags. The Servers are trained to serve the Rector at the altar, taking part in the Gospel Procession, and with any other assistance required by the Rector during the service.

Child Care

1st through 5th grade meet every Sunday at 10:00, except the 1st Sunday each month (Family Sunday) when the children participate in all phases of the service including as greeters, ushers, acolytes, reading the lessons, and providing the sermon topic by way of a mystery box.


The All Saints choir provides worship music for each 10:00 a.m. service, Christmas, Easter, and other church holidays, and for other services upon request and availability. Rehearsals are 9:30 am each Sunday or an hour before special services. No audition or training is necessary to join, just the ability to carry a tune and the desire to worship the Lord with your voice.

St. Christopher’s Outreach

The fourth Sunday of every month, volunteers from All Saints head to the lower valley to add a bit of nourishment and smiling faces to the St. Christopher’s Soup Kitchen lunch menu. The Kitchen can be found at 300 Riverside Drive.

ESL Classes – Clases de Inglés Gratuitas

Las clases de Ingles son gratuitas; nada mas el costo de cada libro es $8.00. Hay cuatro niveles de aprendizaje. Las clases son cada Miércoles a las 9:00-10:30 am; segundo nivel es de 10:30-12:00, la clase de conversación. Para más información o para escribirse hable al número 772-2243, maestra retirada Connie Benson, o All Saints Episcopal Church at 598-0721.

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