Lenten Book Study
Fr. Phil will be leading a 5 week class on Saturdays where we will read the book, “Living Faithfully as a Prayer Book People”. Classes will be March 16th-13th of April. The class will run...
Fr. Phil will be leading a 5 week class on Saturdays where we will read the book, “Living Faithfully as a Prayer Book People”. Classes will be March 16th-13th of April. The class will run...
Announcement: “Introduction To Centering Prayer Workshop”: March 9(Saturday), 11AM-4PM To Pastors, Laity Ministers, Parishioners, and Spiritual Seekers:Information about: Introduction To Centering Prayer Workshop:Date:March 9(Sat.), 2019 from 11:00AM to 4:00PMLocation: La Purisima Socorro Mission, 328 S.Nevarez Rd.,...