
Ashes to Go for rush hours: 7-9; 11-1; and 4-6. Hopefully we can still get a banner to put over the brick sign in front of the church beginning the Thursday before (“ASHES TO GO THIS WEDNESDAY”). I will work on a flyer with our Lenten and Holy Week schedules that we can give folks who drive through.

Ash Wednesday liturgy (BCP p. 264 and simple Eucharist) at whatever time works best for the most number of people but not during “ashes to go” (10:00am? or … ? ? ? )PENDING A DEFINITIVE TIME

Church Open for Prayer 7:00a-6:00p, if we have sufficient volunteers? (I am fine being here throughout, but if we had parishioners willing to volunteer 7-9, 11-1 & 4-6, we will have the church open during drive-by as well for folks who might want to park, come in and pray?)

This really is an exciting, “soft” evangelism opportunity: ashes and invitation to a Holy Lent in a beautiful Christian faith community. Thanks for your consideration and thoughts.

Soli Deo Gloria, with gratitude and anticipation, David-Luke BSG +

The Rev. Br. David-Luke Henton, BSG

(“Dave” or “David-LUKE”)

All Saints Episcopal Church, 3500 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925





Everyone eats; Everyone is clothed; Everyone has a safe and healthy habitat; and everyone is loved .

– Rio Grande Borderland Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande

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