
Good morning, Dear saints of All Saints; I hope you are well!

We have a number of upcoming events for February and beyond …

  • Sunday Feb 12th Daughters of the King will meet after the 10:00am Eucharist
  • Wednesday Feb 15th: Art @ 6:00pm (contact Corrine at 915-497-6329 or pika1955@yahoo.com to preregister) & Open Mic @ 7:00pm
  • Sunday Feb 19th Bible Study after the 10:00am Eucharist
  • Tuesday Feb 21st Shrove Tuesday pancake supper in the parish hall.  Time and more details to follow shortly.  This will be the finale for the “Alleluias” until Easter, as we enter the Penitential season of Lent on …
  • Ash Wednesday Feb 22nd: The church will be open from 7:00am-6:00pm for private prayer.  We will offer “Ashes to Go” in the drive-though parking in front of the Church from 7-9am, 11:00a-1:00pm, and 4:00-6:00pm.  I welcome any/all company: Imposition of ashes is not a uniquely “clerical” function, and I would love for help from any of you who would like to join me in offering this ministry to our drive-in friends and neighbors; and also for any of you who might like to commit to pray in the church during that time.  We will have the Proper Liturgy for Ash Wednesday in the Church at 10:00am: The Penitential Rite, Imposition of Ashes, and Holy Eucharist.  This is a short but meaningful way to begin our journey into Lent as a community.
  • April 2nd-9th: Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter: details coming soon.
  • All Saints’ Spring Fling Parish Festival Saturday May 6th: We will need everyone for this important and exciting community celebration!  Please mark your calendar and hold the date.

As a reminder, a friend of the church, Beatriz Corral is looking for housekeeping opportunities.  She is reliable, hard-working, has transportation, and is supporting herself and her three daughters.  She can be reached at (915) 305-7287.

It has been such a joy to have Deanna, Jan and Marilyn back in church, Thanks be to God!  Please pray for their continued healing and please give thanks to God for the blessing that each of them is in our common life together.

Finally, if you are like me, Lent may catch you by surprise some years.  This year it starts with Ash Wednesday on February 22nd.  Now is a really good time to think about and plan whatever private observances you may want to make.  I am attaching some possible ideas for your consideration.

Thank you for your ministries at All Saints and in the world!

Soli Deo Gloria, with gratitude and joy,

David-Luke BSG +

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