
Good morning, Dear Saints of All Saints: Welcome to LENT 2023!  

This week at All Saints …

Tonight, Tuesday, 2/21 @ 5:00pm we will celebrate Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday with our Pancake Supper.  Please join us for pancakes, sausage, fellowship and some final “Alleluias” before …

Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday 2/22, when we will offer:

  • The Church open all day for private prayer 7:00am-5:00pm
  • Ashes to Go 7:00-11:45am via drive-thru in front of church.  Thank you, Russell, Meghan, Susan & Veronica for publicity.  In addition to ashes, we will have Hershey’s kisses, business cards, and the attached flyer with our Lenten schedule.
  • Proper Liturgy of Ash Wednesday @ Noon with Imposition of Ashes, Litany of Penitence and Holy Eucharist
  • Proper Liturgy of Ash Wednesday @ 5:00pm with Imposition of Ashes, Litany of Penitence and Holy Eucharist

This Saturday, 2/25 @ 10:00am Susan is graciously offering a Choir rehearsal.  Please come if you are available and would like to learn and practice our Mass settings for Lent or some of our other upcoming musical offerings.   Thank you, Susan & thank you, Flora and Choristers!

This Sunday 2/26 we will offer:

  • Stations of the Cross @ 9:00am
  • Holy Eucharist @ 10:00am followed by 
  • Bible Study & Fellowship

And, as a reminder, as a Diocese we are reading Chris Chivers’ Choose Life: Celebrations for Lent written specifically for the Diocese of the Rio Grande.  If you want to join us, please let me know and I will get you a copy.  I am also again sharing some (fairly random) ideas for practices for a Holy Lent.

I look forward to seeing everyone tonight, tomorrow and throughout this Holy Season of Beginning Again!

Soli Deo Gloria, with  prayers for a Holy Lent,

David-Luke BSG +

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