Pray for El Paso
All Saints Episcopal Church will be open tomorrow (Sunday 8/4) at 9 AM for anyone wanting to gather in prayer for our community and for all those affected by Saturday’s tragic shooting. All are...
All Saints Episcopal Church will be open tomorrow (Sunday 8/4) at 9 AM for anyone wanting to gather in prayer for our community and for all those affected by Saturday’s tragic shooting. All are...
Please remember to let Fr. Phil know if you would like to be a worship assistant. If you wish to be a Lector and/or Chalice Bearer, or help out with the Altar Guild or...
AllSaintsNews@outlook.com is the new email address for any news or updates for the weekly information sent out.
Members of the All Saints Healing Team will be available to offer prayers for healing during the serving of communion. They will be located at the back of the nave. You are welcome to...
First Spanish Service at All Saints Episcopal Church will begin Sunday, June 9th at 12:30 p.m. and will follow our normal 10:00 a.m. English service. Call 915-777-6225 for more information.
The All Saints chapter of the Daughters of the King is hosting a city wide gathering of all the Daughters of the King in the El Paso area. That is, St. Luke’s, St. Francis...
Dear All Saints: This upcoming Sunday All Saints is hosting THE ORGAN SYMPOSIUM. Celebrating Music Together! THE ORGAN SYMPOSIUM All Saints Episcopal Church 3500 McRae (one block off Montana) Sunday, April 28 — 2:30 pmYoung pianists playing Chopin, Messiaen,...
Dear All Saints! Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our nature, and to suffer death upon...
Frank Bennett’s funeral service will be Saturday, April 6 at 10:00 AM at Saint Alban’s, 1810 Elm Street. Please pray for Sue and family
Father Phil and Melanie stood in front of All Saints Episcopal Church this morning as cars drove up to receive their “Ashes to Go” in observance of Ash Wednesday. Father Phil said people started...